Top 12 Males

My favorite part about taping American Idol is fast forwarding everything Ryan Seacrest has to say and not having my opinion tainted by the judges. My favorite part about blogging about AI is that I get to be completely critical of people I know nothing about. It saves me from taking out my frustration on people I actually know and care about, let’s call it… An outlet :)


Brandon – All right, nothing too spectacular, but fun to watch

Sundance – Off key opera?

Paul – I do appreciate the bare feet. I would have appreciated it more if he hit the notes.

Chris – Don’t sing a song that is going to get you compared to Bo… besides, there was entirely too much head shaking going on.

Nick – Get the man a taller microphone stand. Other than a couple of weird notes in his key change, I liked it.

Blake – Interesting… I’m not sure yet.

Sanjaya – I can’t get past the hair to listen to him sing. And, by definition, any song that has the line “I don’t want to bore you with this” is a risky proposition.

Sligh – My speech pathologist roommate has some exercises that can help with that…

Jared – I can watch him for a really long time…. Listening is not too bad either…not great, but well… mute is always an option

AJ – Paula was dancing, but I think she was just really trying to not have to listen too closely.

Phil – A bit scary, really…. Please lay off the close-ups

Overall, a bit disappointed tonight.


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