Mother Nature

I am a little frustrated with mother nature this week. She's making it impossible for me to just kick back on my "vacation." The weird part is, it's not even what she is doing in my part of the world, which is snowing.... lots and lots of snowing.... but that super lame earthquake in asia is making work a drama instead of a lovely quiet week like it should have been ;) OK. I am done whining. Life is good, really. The snow, while I do not like driving in it, is very pretty and much needed and it keeps it relatively warm. I think today we spent the whole day above 0F!

Cannon is staying with us this week, too. This makes me happy. He is a 7 yr old stinker, but he's keeps things interesting around the house. Mom and I tend to be a little quiet when we are left to ourselves. Today while I was at work, they spent the day sledding in the slush. Everyone is soaked to the bone.

Tomorrow is another day!


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