
Yesterday, I took a nap. I woke up feeling better than I had from a week of odd night's sleeps.
I think naps are an interesting phenomenon. When we are little we are forced to take naps. They always come at the worst time of the day, when we're in the middle of playing. When kids get a little cranky, the suggestion to fix it is a nap. We're sent to our beds until we can come back and be nice.

As we grow up, however, naps become a luxury. They're a treat for a Sunday afternoon, or after a big holiday meal. When adults get cranky, the suggestion is an anti anxiety pill or a brisk walk around the building. I think we should insitigate adult nap time. How many of today's conflicts could be resolved if we would just walk away from the table, take a nap, and come back with a cool, refreshed head.

Ok... now I am just rambling - oh wait...


    On 8:38 PM, December 08, 2006 Anonymous said...

    It's all about "Fat Dog"!


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