Would you like to take a survey?

Due to a recent conversation full of questions I could not answer, I have decided to pose a few to the general public- or the readers of my blog... PLEASE leave your answers in the comments. Feel free to leave them anonymously, but please leave them.

#1 - What makes a girl (boy) turn into a friend instead of a girl(boy) friend?
#2 - What are the top 3 reasons a girl (boy) is unkissable? (Please put a star next to the answer that applies to me- I can't fix it if I don't know what's wrong- remember this is anonymous. And I know one of them has to apply, because apparently I am)
#3 - What is your biggest turn off?
#4 - Besides looks- what is the first thing you notice about the people (yes, both genders) you meet?

Ok, for today that is all.... more to come


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