10.31.2005 by Colee
Ok, that's out of the way.
Have you ever needed a hug so much that your body actually hurt? I think it is a shame that we live in a world where physical contact is so taboo. I grew up in a home full of hugs and squeezes and holding hands. All of them very proper and clean. It is how I knew my mommy loved me and that my friends would always be there. I miss it.
I now live in a world where a hug will get you sent to HR and holding hands is too big of a committment. I can not honestly think of the last time I came into contact with another human being for more than a handshake. My soul hurts.
It feels like my whole world is falling apart and nothing can fix it. I am angry at people I shouldn't be angry at. I am pushing people away for no reason. I want to go to bed and not wake up til sometime next Saturday.
I really really just want a hug.