3 cardinal rules

I have 3 cardinal rules.

Rule #1 - Never buy anything at full price at Shop-Ko or Old Navy. Let's face it, everything in these stores goes on sale about every 30 days. Just keep your eye open, you'll find it for 50% off next week.

Rule #2 - I don't cook for girls. Roommates, Large dinner parties, and family provide a way around this rule.

Rule #3 - Don't ask boys out. Over for dinner, does not count.
Breaking this rule has only proven to get me in trouble.
This rule has also been the root of one of my very favorite conversations... it happened quite a while a go, but it's stuck with me, so I am going to repeat it... maybe it's too much insight into me, but isn't that what the WWW is for?

Girl: So, you managed to impress my mom the other day.
Boy: Oh?
Girl: Yeah, and I quote, "He seems like a nice enough boy. Why don't you date him?" But don't worry, I told her.
Boy: What did you tell her?
Girl: Because he doesn't ask.
Boy: Oh sure, make me look like the ass.
Girl: Well, is there another reason?

3 days later, we went out.

Ok... I believe those may be enough random things for one entry...


    On 1:33 PM, November 13, 2005 Anonymous said...

    You typed the word ass on your blog. Just wondering if you realize that.


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