
Saturday morning we woke up in Seattle. It was a totally relaxed morning. We were in no hurry to get off the ship and had all the time in the world to get to the airport. We had breakfast and then watched the dockworkers unload no fewer than 5 semi loads of food for the next cruise. We spent a bit of time waiting in the Seattle rain waiting for our shuttle. Got to the airport and realized we’d left one of our bags back at the port. Oops. Of course, NCL was on top of it. Before we were even out of the airport, they called us to arrange to get it shipped back to home. The flight home was a little bumpy again, and I still giggled at Rex and Wayne, getting just a little more nervous. The landing even included a good sized bounce. Good fun, I tell you, good fun. They have never been more happy to see SLC than they were that night. Regardless of what they tell you, they had a really good time. They spent a whole week completely outside of their comfort zones, but they still enjoyed it.
I was home and doing laundry by 830, and the Dingle crew made it home at about midnight. Yay for having family you can spend a whole week with and still love at the end! It was such a good time.

Kim, your dad says next time, you can come with and he’ll keep your kids ;) I say we hold him to it!


    THat sounds like a great plan to me. do you suppose he can learn to lactate and keep the baby too?? lol


    Your trip sounds like it was awesome! I'm definately going to have to do the whole Alaskan cruise thing one day.


    I'm seriously jealous! Looks like tons of fun, even if the weather wasn't perfect. I'm not showing Aaron, he's been trying to get to Alaska since before we met! Hugs!


    It looks like you had a great trip! Awesome pics.


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