
Monday we were in Ketchikan. The weather was completely amazing. They get 256 days of rain on average in Ketchikan, and it was such a beautiful day, I managed to get sunburned. We spent most of the day wandering between the jewelry stores. They were handing out gemstones and pendants and stuff and we were being the most touristy of tourists. The next time I am there, I will book more shore excursions. I love tours, and wish we had done a little more of that. I did really enjoy The Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show. I could have easily taken a couple of the lumberjacks home ;) Instead, my souvenir is the ring Kelly couldn’t help herself from bargaining for. She loves a challenge and getting $130 rings for only $30 was a victory. She was trying for $20, but she got pretty darn close.
Back on ship we spent the lovely weather outside on the deck, playing cards and watching for whales. We did see a couple of different pods of Orcas as well as dolphins. None of them stuck around long enough to get pictures.
Our waiter at dinner that night was hilarious. His name was Ernesto. He was great. I think the funniest part was how funny he thought he was. He was definitely laughing at his own jokes, which is why I was laughing. The next few nights when our group went for dinner, they either asked to be in his section or he came over to visit anyway.
After dinner we went to see the Chinese acrobats. I am pretty uncoordinated, so watching them made me more jealous than normal, I think.


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