A couple of thoughts

First- I love institute. I am giving you all permission to yell at me when I complain about going.

Second - I am addicted to popcorn. It has become my dinner of choice, since I am officially too lazy to cook for 1 person.

Third (I guess that makes it a few thoughts instead of a couple) - American Idol rocks! I am ready to get things moving along, however. I think my favorite audition tonight was the gray haired kid at the end. He rocked the Ray Charles song.

Fourth - I'm Super excited about the class I am taking the end of next month. There is a laptop included in the price of tuition- WOO HOO for tuition reimbursement.

OK... that's all for today.


    On 8:56 AM, February 01, 2006 Anonymous said...

    i also love the gray-haired guy.:-)

    On 3:46 PM, February 01, 2006 Anonymous said...

    What kind of Laptop?

    I liked the gray-haired dude too.


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