A day late

Happy Easter!
I had a lovely weekend, at home, with the fam. It's been a long time since I went home for only a weekend, and I remember why now - TOO much to do in not enough time.
For Easter this year, the Easter Bunny had my truck detailed. The timing couldn't have been more perfect. Since I had a teriyaki explosion in there the other day ;) I am worse than any amount of kids....

So, all joking aside, I love Easter. All of Christendom unites to honor the most sacred event in history. I want to join in this occasion and declare to you - that He lives. The tomb was empty. He lived for us, providing the perfect example of charity and love. He gave his life on the cross and just as assuredly, He took it up again and He lives again. By doing this, He made it possible for us to also live again and to return to our heavenly home. May we live worthy of this reward, is my prayer... and so, I repeat - HAPPY EASTER!


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