So, I spent the last week in Baton Rouge Louisianna. WHAT A WEEK! I think I was still asleep when I got to the airport on Tuesday morning, well, I know I was, but we'll get to that later... Lisa and I spent 16 hours a day for 4 days in the center meeting with EVERYONE who we could. It was such a pain in the ... bum. But it will all be worth it if we can make it do what we want it to. Cross your fingers.
When I got back to SLC, I realized that I really WAS asleep when I got to the airport. How can I prove it? I completely forgot to write down where I parked. I had the general area - because I always park in the same area, but I had no idea inside that area.... The parking attendant saved me after about 10 minutes of wandering - and she drove me up and down the lanes until we found Bailene.
The good part was that, at least I wasn't wandering up and down the aisles with my luggage, cuz, well, it was still in Denver. See how I put a positive spin on the fact that my luggage was lost? ;) Honestly, I travel enough - not a lot - but enough - that I should expect to have lost my luggage before now. And, at least I was home where my real toothbrush was already waiting for me :)

Today was a good day. I feel like I am actually making progress on the things that have been piling up on my to do list. Of course, I am only here for a week, but then it is just an easter weekend at home. I gotsta go home and show off the pictures.... which, by the way, there are about 150.... which means, I am NOT putting them all on the blog. Sorry... I haven't quite figured out how to pick which ones, so... until then, I guess you'll just have to come visit :-P


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