I have decided it is time to show you the boys :)
First we will talk about Troy. Age before beauty ;)
Troy has a fantastic laugh.
He looks hot in orange.
He’s an engineer, no matter what he tells you.
He is one of the funniest people I have ever met- and that takes a lot, I know some pretty funny people.
He is a fantastic story teller, and if he ever gets his documentary done – we’ll comment on his film making skills ;)
Not pictured
Chris has a short attention span. Which means you should be prepared for anything, and to do fun random things to keep him occupied (ie, living room volleyball, making cookies, learning to play bocce)
At the same time he is patient and deliberate. When he does something it is done thoroughly and well. Watch him play pool sometime, you’ll see what I mean.
He looks hot in blue.
He is a hard worker.
He is ALWAYS smiling.
He gives a fantastic hug :)
Matt has to listen to me a lot.
He is always willing to give advice – but never unprovoked.
He is an excellent guinea pig and gets rid of my leftovers.
He looks hot in black.
He tells the most random jokes - but he gets mine too :)
He is a very musically talented.
He works hard on what is important to him.
We’ve already chatted about Barry, but that’s ok :)
Barry is awesome enough for 2 entries.
He has enough patience to tutor. That’s admirable in my book.
He looks hot in red :)
He uses big words just to see if people are listening – ok, maybe that’s my own interpretation of things.
He gets the rules to my odd card games.