Pre Christmas events

I am very blessed to have a job that allows me to telecommute. Because of that I have been able to attend a lot more things at home than in the past. This weekend I was able to come home to see my little sister Angelia's high school musical. This year they did Oklahoma, and Angelia was cast as Aunt Eller. I have never actually seen Oklahoma all the way through, so it was quite interesting. Of course she did a fabulous job :) And I am offering only a slightly biased opinion :)
Tonight I went to my family Christmas party. We had about 90 people there (we know because we did actually put a number on everyone as they came in.) It was great! Everybody brings a treat to share, and we get to catch up and chat and of course there are presents :) I had to miss last year, so I was super excited to get to be here this year. I must admit, I do miss going caroling like we used to, but it's just so nasty cold that we can't talk anyone into it any more ;) I still vote we bring back the chili and donuts!


    Those days were the best. On the wagon and sittin on straw. Makes me feel a little sad those days are gone, maybe you could talk them into it again, I would come home for that!:)


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