Happy Friday!

It has been a really good week - and yet for some reason, I am still REALLY ready for the weekend.
Monday and Wednesday nights I got to hang out with Dav. To see pictures of dinner - check his blog ;) It's nights like these that I am glad I live close enough to be the crashpad for the airport :)
Tuesday night I had the super exciting project of cleaning my carpets. I am pretty sure they are a lost cause. If you see a stellar deal on carpet, please keep me in mind. Of course, new windows should probably come before new carpets. I am working on distinguishing between WANTS and NEEDS. I want new carpet, but I need new windows.....
Thursday a few of my friends came over for dinner. We missed in October, so I was super excited for November. I was happy to see all of them, but I will not lie. I was excited to have a baby to stare at for a little while. This was our first visit with little Amelia, so it was fun. My favorite thing about babies is that I get to keep them when they are happy, and give them back when they are not. I hope that will change in the future, but right now - it works. But honestly, she is adorable. Thanks guys for bringing her to visit :)
Tonight I get to go home. Tomorrow there is a benefit auction In Memory of Cory Weston. It is nice (if that is the right word?) that I can have the flexibility to be home for the important things and still be able to work. Having a job is a blessing every day, but having my job at times like these makes me even more appreciative.


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