Paper or

Oh wait, they forgot to ask. For some reason I just got paper. I am curious as to the reason. The only good one I can think of is the store being out of plastic bags. Paper bags are hard to carry. So instead of taking one trip from my truck to the house, I have to take 2. Also, plastic is more likely to be reused in my house. Plastic bags make good garbage liners in bedrooms. Paperbags, not so much. Also, is there something that says because it's a paper bag you can put bread and milk in the same one?

Ok, other than the rant about paper bags - life is good. I got enough groceries today to last a couple of weeks, and everything was on sale, so I only spent $30. Not bad I say. I am back in my home for a while. I have only one trip on the business agenda and it is not until later in the month. And they are sick of me at home home, so they told me to stay away for a while. :) Anyway, so lucky ol' SLC will have to deal with me at least until I can change their minds ;)


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