Go Jazz

I went with my mom and Cannon to the Jazz/Spurs game on Monday night. We had a great time! And we won, which was, I must admit, kind of unexpected. (Notice how I say we, like I am part of the team ;) ) It was Cannon's first ball game as well as his first trip on Trax. We decided we have GOT to get him out of town more.

When we got home from the game we were pleasantly surprised with a barrage of hearts and confetti and treats on our doorstep. We were the "victims" of a heart attack. It was fun. I should probably take them down, but I like coming home to it, so I've left the hardier ones on the door ;)

Mom and Cannon have gone home now. It's pretty quiet around my home. They could have stayed a few more days and I wouldn't have felt too bad. Stupid school and work ;) Of course, I had to work both days they were here, so I probably wasn't much fun anyway.

Life is good.


So, I am a little slow, but if you haven't yet seen Enchanted - I recommend it with out reservation. It is cute. That's really all there is to it. You'll sing along with the songs you've never heard before, and then they will be stuck in your head. If it weren't such a cute movie on it's on, the cast is great. I love Susan Sarandon and McDreamy, well, enough said. It's well worth the night out. If you don't believe me, well, come on over when it comes out on video, it will shortly there after be a part of my collection :) Thanks Matt for the movie suggestion:)

This weekend my mom and Cannon are spending time with me in "the big city." We went to see the grandparents today and on Monday night we're going to the Jazz/Spurs game. Go Jazz!

Work is going well. I finally got my vacant positions filled and we're ready to get organized. I am excited!

Mmmmm, I think that's all. It's pretty quiet here :)


I am sitting here tonight, remembering vividly why I wasn't going to keep watching the auditions. It's seriously painful. However, I did appreciate it when Paula started to sign the Brother's Forever song.
On a MUCH happier note, I booked my flight to Hawaii yesterday- yes, really- I am going to Hawaii! I have been invited to go on the sales trip with work. I was hoping that someone from my team would be able to qualify, but it didn't really happen. I'm kind of disappointed, but it has definitely given me a new challenge for finding something that they will think is rewarding.

I'm open to ideas.

It's that time

Incase you were wonderin' - American Idol starts TONIGHT!!!!

Ok, so I have decided it's not worth watching the auditions anymore, but regardless, I am excited for the new season.

Happy Watching!!!

Snail Mail

So, I sent John's Christmas present on the 15th of December. It finally got to him on January 9th. Christmas overseas gift sending helps us understand the true meaning of "snail mail"
The happy part is that he got it :) It was just a cheesy box of random prizes, but it made him happy, and that was the point :)

Paper or

Oh wait, they forgot to ask. For some reason I just got paper. I am curious as to the reason. The only good one I can think of is the store being out of plastic bags. Paper bags are hard to carry. So instead of taking one trip from my truck to the house, I have to take 2. Also, plastic is more likely to be reused in my house. Plastic bags make good garbage liners in bedrooms. Paperbags, not so much. Also, is there something that says because it's a paper bag you can put bread and milk in the same one?

Ok, other than the rant about paper bags - life is good. I got enough groceries today to last a couple of weeks, and everything was on sale, so I only spent $30. Not bad I say. I am back in my home for a while. I have only one trip on the business agenda and it is not until later in the month. And they are sick of me at home home, so they told me to stay away for a while. :) Anyway, so lucky ol' SLC will have to deal with me at least until I can change their minds ;)

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