My favorite day

I love the 4th of July. It is my favorite day of the entire year. And it's not just because you don't have to feel weird when the person next to you is wearing the same color shirt as you, or even the very same shirt, for that matter. The 4th of July is the day when we put aside our differences and celebrate our commonalities. No one is afraid to say that we are "One nation under God." We remember our Founding Fathers. We honor the brave men and women who sacrifice every day to keep us free and safe. We pay reverence to our fallen heroes. We stand together with our hands on our hearts and sing. We pledge allegiance to our flag. We cheer at the parades, and we ooh and aaah at the fireworks displays. We all sit down together and celebrate our history, our heritage, our freedoms, and our families. It may actually be the 1 day each year that we are the UNITED States of America.
I am grateful to live in this land, blessed above all other lands. May we each strive to make choices everyday to preserve this nation and the ideals it stands for. Happy Independence Day!


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