Happy Father's Day

It's been a a good week. First of all, the weather finally decided to be summerish, even in Dingle. It was a well timed change, for we had a yardsale this weekend. I am putting it in writing that having a yardsale is FAR more work than it is worth. Sure I made a few bucks, but it wasn't worth 2 days of my time. I also managed to get a pretty decent sunburn out of the deal. I was trying to tan, so it's my own fault. I am a big girl and should know that 6 hours in the sun is a little more than tan timing. On the good side, I did manage to burn all the way up my arm - so at least there won't be a farmer tan line ;)

Friday night I got invited to go to the hot pots with my brother and sisters. I haven't been there since I was in middle school... which is sad I guess, as they are only like 40 minutes away. I fancy myself a lover of a good hot bath. It is the answer for many of life's questions. So big pools of hot water should be like my ultimate happy place. Dude, those pools are HOT. It's kind of funny because really, no one sits in them or is out in the middle. It's just a bunch of people sitting around the edge about legs deep. There are a few kids who are not swayed and are out in the center, but very few of those even. I'm thinking the next time I go back, it will be winter... snow on top, hot on bottom - it's all about balance :)

Today my mom gets to speak in church :) After church Cannon and I will head out to Georgetown to hang out with our fathers :) Happy Father's Day!


    On 9:11 PM, June 19, 2008 Anonymous said...

    Sorry we didn't make it to the yard sale. It is actually a very long story.

    #1 - Heather had kidney stones.
    #2 - A phone call at 1:30am on Saturday morning made us drive all the way back to SLC, so I did not end up running the 10k. We did however make it back to our house before the sun came up, so we were able to get a nice 7 hours of sleep until noon.

    Hope wherever you are at is a blast - TN is as fun and exciting as always!


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