Alaska - in parts

We started our journey early Saturday morning. The Dingle crew had come down the night before so we could be at the airport at 630. Everything went very smoothly, which is a good thing when you’re flying with people who have never or rarely flown before. The ride was a little bumpy, but just enough to make the uncles nervous. I have to admit I giggled under my breath watching them cling tightly to the seats in front of them.
When we got to Seattle we had a little time waiting for our shuttle. We made friends with the pigeon who was wandering around the shuttle stop. Justin had him, literally, eating out of his hand before we left. Our shuttle driver was a little nuts, and a terrible driver, but he managed to get us there safely. We made it through the boarding process and even found our way up to lunch. I’m not gonna lie, it felt like an accomplishment.
After we were allowed into our rooms, we dumped the carry-ons and went up to the pool deck for the bon voyage BBQ. This event prompted the question that has been on my mind ever since. How much alcohol is consumed on the average cruise?
That night we went to the Stardust Lounge for the kick off show. The entertainment was amazing. We could tell it was going to be a great week.


    Thank you so much for sharing the cruise with us! My parents dont go into detail much. I love the pics too. glad your all safe and sound!


    Hey that looks like so much fun, i love seeing all the pics, and i am glad all of you had a good time. i am going to let my parents know about your blog, so they can keep up as well and so they can see these pics, they have a blog too so you can see them, my mom is just starting it, and begining in january when there mission started!!
    love the new posts!!


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