better late than never

So, I realized this morning it’s probably too late to be effective, but I missed my 4th of July schpeel, so I am going to do it anyway.

I love the 4th of July. Partially it is because of the traditions involved. We do the same thing every year, we sit in the same place, by the same people, see the same things and for me, there is comfort in things that stay the same. But more importantly, it’s a day where every year, I am humbled. My very favorite part of the 4th of July is when the armed service medley is played and the veterans stand to be honored. These are the brave men and women who have paid a price for me to have what I have. To be able to sleep in my bed every night with out the worry that someone will come in and take me away from my home and family. To be able to go to church every Sunday. To be able to write whatever I want here and not be afraid of repercussion. To be able to choose my job, and my religion, and my home, and my school, and…. The list is endless. I have what I have because of others being willing to stand up for what they think is right. For that, I am eternally grateful.

As for the rest of my life – because I know you are all dying to know – I have spent the week trying to get arrangements made for a wedding with out a date. I have chosen flowers, a tux, table decorations, and gotten the stuff to make the guest book. I have a list of who is doing what, arranged my photographer, the family luncheon, and tonight I am meeting the cake lady and the printer… now if we can just figure out when the groom can be here, we'll be set ;)


    On 10:37 PM, July 14, 2008 Anonymous said...

    Hi Nicole!!!! So, I see that you are getting married!!! Congrats! Let me know when and I'll be there!!!


    I love the 4th of July too! what an incredible history we have here in the U.S.A. I love that there were people who knew exactly what needed to be done and they had the courage to just do it, and die for it. I love that we do fireworks too. Not entirely sure how they got to be tradition, but I still love them...what a pyro I have become. Anyway I love you Colee! and this is Beanie...aka Amber, Brooke and Mary's little sis.


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