So I suck at posting lately. You should be used to it by now. Last week I was in KC. It was great to finally put some faces with names – as well as see some of my favorite faces again. :)

This week I am in Alabang. The only thing I haven’t loved so far is the ride over. The ride itself was actually awesome too. I have never been treated so well or given so much food in my life on an airplane. Being fed every 2 hours was quite a shift from my last flights where I didn’t get so much as a pretzel. If they treated every customer the way they treat business class, no one would drive again ;) The only thing I didn’t love about it was the duration, really, I am not complaining at all.

I got in to the hotel and I was told that I HAD to sleep. Yeah, it didn’t happen. I got in, took a nap and then went across the road to work. It was Monday, there was simply too much to do. But after I got my Monday work done, my brain had no trouble at all falling asleep for 10 hours. When I woke up – at 7pm, I got a phone call asking me to go to dinner. Other than the meals are opposite of what I am used to, I think I have the time difference down :) kind of…. Oh, I had adobo for dinner. Ryan, yours is better.

Today was a work day like I wish all my work days were. I love meeting with the people who are actually impacted by the things I do and the decisions that we make. I especially love when I actually have the ability to fix some of the things they are frustrated with. LOL, it doesn’t happen often, so I enjoy it when it does.

My goal for today is to get out and explore the hotel. Tomorrow maybe more of the city. I am still not 100% sure how to get to places I can’t walk. So, I’ll have to ask tomorrow.


    How exciting for you, you world traveler - can't wait to see pics!


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