It begins

I realized after typing this up that I seem to have a lot of opionions on hair... kind of ironic coming from a girl who puts her hair in the same twist every day because she has no idea what to do with it but doesn't want to cut it off.....

I am thinking I should send Randy a thesaurus…. Do you think he would be able to find words that mean the same thing as dawg, dude, and yo yo yo?

Dave Hernandez – What the crap was he wearing? His song was ok, but nothing special or unique

Chikezie – ouch, the beginning of his song was just painful. I am not sure it actually got better. His suit was atrocious

David Cook – Was he singing? I honestly couldn’t tell until he hit the chorus. His hair bugs. It’s like the updated version of a comb over.

Jason Yeager – Mark McGrath hair went out with Sugar Ray. For a crooner, I found it enjoyable. He kind of has Osmond teeth… don't laugh, you know exactly what I mean.

Robbie Carrico – Beau Byce wannabe? The vocal was ok, but there was nothing original about the vocal or arrangement. I really need him to shave.

David Archuleta – I kind of think I went to class with his brother, maybe it was a cousin. It was better than the original, but I didn’t love the original. There were a couple of pitch issues, but he’s likeable, it will get him far.

Is Paula being extra cheesy tonight or is it just me?

Danny Noriega – this year’s look is better than last year, he still needs a haircut. When singing Elvis, make sure it is different enough not to be compared to the original. He was the King for a reason.

Luke Menard – I like his speaking voice better than his singing voice. He also made it official, the stylists this year need to be replaced.

Colton Berry – He’s right, her looks like Ellen. Fortunately, he doesn’t sound like her. Well, that’s not fair, I’ve never heard Ellen try to sing, and I do rather enjoy her show… sorry back to Colton…Again with the Elvis songs. I will revert to, he was the King for a reason.

Garret Haley – His hair is far too big for his head. He is the first person I actually had to stop listening to.

Jason Castro – He was definitely enjoying himself – or faking it well. Quite possibly my favorite performance of the night.

Michael Johns – There were a couple of pitch issues, but I still really enjoyed it. The scarf was a bit odd, but I tuned it out; I am getting good at tuning things out.


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