
So, I am a little slow, but if you haven't yet seen Enchanted - I recommend it with out reservation. It is cute. That's really all there is to it. You'll sing along with the songs you've never heard before, and then they will be stuck in your head. If it weren't such a cute movie on it's on, the cast is great. I love Susan Sarandon and McDreamy, well, enough said. It's well worth the night out. If you don't believe me, well, come on over when it comes out on video, it will shortly there after be a part of my collection :) Thanks Matt for the movie suggestion:)

This weekend my mom and Cannon are spending time with me in "the big city." We went to see the grandparents today and on Monday night we're going to the Jazz/Spurs game. Go Jazz!

Work is going well. I finally got my vacant positions filled and we're ready to get organized. I am excited!

Mmmmm, I think that's all. It's pretty quiet here :)


    I love this show too! It's at the Cinefour, so we might go today.... maybe... if we think Chan will sit through it.


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