The Bear Lake County Fair

I love county fairs. Incase you missed that in some previous posts. Tuesday night we went to the demolition derby. The fact that people will put so much money into modifying their cars just so they can spend the night ramming them into other cars is fascinating to me. White trash fascinating. There were 2 heats of cars, then they had an ATV race to kill some time. The ATV race, let me explain - pairs of riders on 4 wheelers (one driver, one rider per machine)drive around in circles, while the riders use baseball bats to try and pop balloons that are taped onto the other riders' helmets. Yes, truly, they drive around in circles beating each other up with baseball bats. And they do it voluntarily. After the ATV race, anyone of the cars who can get started come back into the arena and try to bash into each other again. The last car standing wins the derby.

The question is - which is worse, the people driving or the people who spend money to watch.....


    On 9:06 AM, August 10, 2007 Anonymous said...

    There are days where I wonder why I don't live in Idaho...



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